656-1/30/1267 (South West side)
No.20 and attached railings, wall and ironwork (Formerly Listed as: PORTLAND PLACE (South side) Nos.17-20 (Consec))
11/08/72 GV II House, now flats. c1786 with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, rubble and render to rear, double pile parapeted mansard roof, artificial slate to rear and upper slope to front, Welsh slate to lower front slope, coped party wall to right with two rebuilt ashlar stacks. Staircase to front.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, three-window range. First floor has three six/six-sashes in plain reveals, second floor has three similar windows. Ground floor has two similar windows with stone sills to right, to left six-panel door with flush reeded, fielded panels with voided corners and glazed panels in pedimented Doric doorcase with full round columns (cf. No.17 Portland Place, qv), small two-pane window with wrought iron bar guard to left of doorcase, one step to crossover paved with large pennant slabs with cast iron footscraper. Basement has eight/eight-sash in splayed reveal with stone sill, C20 and ashlar infilling under crossover, ashlar extension in area with C20 window and pennant paved roof. Triple dormer with plate glass sashes. Band course over ground floor, sill band to first and second floors, modillion eaves cornice and coped parapet continuous with No.19 Portland Place (qv), lead hopperhead at eaves to left. Rear elevation has full height and nearly full width segmental bow with three six/six-sash windows to each floor except basement which has two six/six-sashes and C20 door, narrow strip of rendered wall to right of bow with lead hopperhead at eaves, triple dormer with plate glass sashes.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Attached wrought iron railings and gate with urn tops with bottom rail on buns on painted pennant bases, coped ashlar wall attached to right c1.3m high at house ramps up to c2m high at pavement with ironwork trellis panel with wrought iron scrollwork over and security fronds to high part of wall.
HISTORY: See entry for 1-10 Portland Place.
SOURCES: Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: London: 1948-: 162. Listing NGR: ST7469065624
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