656-1/40/1277 PRINCES STREET (West side) 4 Princes Street (Formerly Listed as: PRINCE'S STREET (West side) Nos.3, 4 AND 5) 05/08/75 II House in row. Mid to late C18. MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, roof not visible. PLAN: Similar to No.3 (qv) adjoining, but smaller in scale, and with arched throughway to left, later raised two floors, main house rectangular, bay to left open out to splayed wall of adjoining house. EXTERIOR: Three storeys and basement, one+three windows, all sashes, six-pane at second floor and twelve-pane to first floor, all in moulded architraves, bay two blind at each level. Ground floor has later four:sixteen:four-pane square oriel display window with late C18 fascia and cornice, to right, with six-panel door on three steps, beyond this wide pair of panelled doors in flat elliptical arch with keystone and imposts, under drip course. Platband at ground floor in bay one, very slightly stepped forward from remainder, band on moulded bed above first floor, moulded cornice with blocking course and parapet, swept down from first bay. Deep and lofty ashlar stack to left. INTERIOR: Not inspected. Doors to left open to courtyard, now covered by added storeys, trapezoidal in plan where adjacent wall to No.3 (qv), runs back at acute angle to street line. This entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 29 January 2018.
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