(North side)
Shirley Cottage and Shirley Villa
05/08/75 GV II Symmetrical pair of houses. Early C19.
MATERIALS: Coursed lias, ashlar dressings, rubble rear, asbestos-cement slate roofs.
PLAN: Compact square block with double roof, deep narrow wing to rear of Shirley Cottage.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, each two windows, glazing bar sashes, paired twelve pane above single sixteen pane to ground floor, all to splayed surrounds; the ground floor window to Shirley Villa is set to a blocked wider opening with flush jambs, and it has a part-glazed door with hood on brackets to its left; there is a wide garage attached, right. Set back left to Shirley Cottage is a two storey porch, with a plain sash above wide pair of glazed doors under a hood on deep brackets. There are a broad mid platband, moulded cornice, blocking course and parapet in ashlar, and a central stack. The rear to Shirley Cottage is rendered with a plain sash at each floor, and a narrow wing with monopitch roof, also with sashes at the outer end, and the west end is double gabled over paired plain sashes to splayed surrounds, and single at each floor to the wing. Shirley Villa has a rubble rear, with dressed quoins, with a plain sash and small extra opening to first and second floors, and a large flat roofed ground floor extension. Party divisions are coped, with a central rear stack, and an ashlar cornice, blocking course and parapet runs the full width of the rear.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. Listing NGR: ST7476164067
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