(North side)
Weymouth House and Nelson House
05/08/75 GV II Pair of terrace houses. Early C19 with late C19 and C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Rendered, some exposed coursed work, slate roofs.
PLAN: Double depth.
EXTERIOR: Plain pair in three storeys, each two windows wide, all sashes.
Weymouth House has all plain sashes, at first floor with cresting to sills, far left C20 door in stone doorcase brought forward, with slight pedimented top, and fronts with incised panels, hood also inscribed WEYMOUTH HOUSE. Cast iron footscraper remains to its left. Nelson House has twelve pane at second floor, plain below, with balconettes to first floor, ground floor in exposed stonework. To right six panel part glazed door under prominent later C19 gabled and tiled hood, with barge board and finial, on brackets, and solid cheeks. Moulded cornice, blocking course and parapet, two square stacks. Return, left coped, with double gable, over plain rendered wall, but with C20 oriel bow to ground floor. Rear to Weymouth House has two plain sashes and oculus at second floor, two plain, with crested sills at first floor, and large four pane to ground floor, to right small two storey extension in ashlar, with pedimented top, over margin pane sash and door. Nelson House has three twelve pane above plain sashes. Full width moulded cornice, blocking course and parapet, and large stack to party division.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. Listing NGR: ST7478064057
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