(North side)
Claverton Buildings Nos 10-14
(Formerly Listed as: CLAVERTON
STREET (North side) Nos 8-15
(consec) Claverton Buildings)
05/08/75 GV II Five terrace houses, now shops. Late C18, raised early C19.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, painted to front except No.10, concrete tile roofs.
PLAN: Double depth plans, ground floor shopfronts brought forward to Nos 10-13, various rear additions.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys and basement, revealed as four storeys at rear. Nos 10, 11, and 12 each have one window, plain sashes, but one twelve-pane to No.11 at first floor, and eight-pane to No.12. No.13 has two plain above three plain sash, the latter in moulded architrave and splayed reveal. No.14 has two plain at each level, with large early C19 twelve-pane display window to ground floor, and two doors, each to moulded hood on brackets, to right. Also small arched light to right of further door. Nos 10 to 13 have c1900 flat roofed plate glass shopfronts brought forward, under deep fascia, and with pilaster ends to consoles, these fronts have been modified with modern windows, but that to No.11 may be original, with central recessed door, and with small-pane transom lights above the main glazing. No. 13¿s Victorian cornice mouldings were exposed in 1991 when the metal facia was removed. No.14 has separate door under deep transom light, to right. Platband, only on No.14, continuous moulded cornice above first floor, and small cornice, with blocking course and parapet to second floor, slightly stepped down in two places. Large ashlar ridge stacks remain to left of each property, and to each ridge. Cropped to No.11 and smaller to No.12. Rear, generally with eaves roofs, has been variously modified. No.10 has bold four storey canted bay with plain sashes, and remainder have sashes, including one sixteen-pane at first floor to No.14, also has flat roofed wing, Nos 12 and 13 have large late C20 flat roofed two storey parallel range.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. These houses were originally part of a continuous terrace of eight houses from No.8 to No.15 (qqv), these end properties slightly brought forward, but were subsequently modified by the addition of a storey to replace the attics.
SOURCES: (Finch G: Shopfront Record, Bath City Council: 1992-; Bath Archaeological Trust/RCHM England: Georgian Bath Historical Map: Southampton: 1989-). Listing NGR: ST7537964243
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