(West side)
No.172 Westfield House
12/06/50 GV II Detached house in own grounds. c1730, later extension in matching detail, mid C19 porch; lower ground floor exposed to rear in late C20.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roof.
EXTERIOR: Compact symmetrical block, two storeys, attic and basement, with central porch, extended left by one broad bay taken full depth of original range. Entrance front has four flat roofed dormers above one+five windows, all twelve pane sashes in plain reveals and with five stepped voussoirs, full depth French casement with transom light in far left bay, to sill band at each level, with two light casement to basement, left, and glazed door below porch, with two modified nine pane sashes to right. Square porch has pair of part glazed doors to square opening, and paired round headed lights on returns each side, to sill band, below rusticated masonry, entablature crowned with balustrade, returned at sides, with central pedestal carrying stone eagle with wings outstretched. Porch Minton tile floor, glazed wall tiles. Large eight panel inner door under fluted transom and radial fanlight, with pilasters and with heavy triple keystone to archivolt. Main front has rusticated masonry below lower sill band, broad mid platband, alternating quoins, including each end of added bay, and full entablature with blocking course and parapet, with ball finials at each end. Each side of porch are basement areas, with staircases, and with hooped railings to stone curbs, and to the left is a low rusticated wall. End and central ashlar stacks. Returns and rear are similarly detailed, but the basement or lower ground level to the rear is rusticated for only two courses, with plain ashlar below. Left return has three twelve pane sashes above a full width glazed verandah with decorative iron standards over three French casements with transom lights, and the lower ground floor has an open colonnade on square piers. Right return has three twelve pane sashes at first and ground floors with nine pane sash to lower ground floor, with narrow later addition set below main entablature. Rear has large late C20 attic with plastic windows, above twelve pane sashes, paired to outer bays and single to centre of original range, with single sash at each level in added bay. To left are paired casements above C19 deep canted bay with French casements to three faces, below entablature with balustrade with sixteen pane sashes below. Centred to main range is sixteen pane sash at ground floor level, set in arched recess with archivolt and heavy keystones, similar to detail of main entrance, probably giving formerly to terrace or staircase; Below C20 glazed door and casement, also at lower ground level to right hand bay. Ball finials at each end.
INTERIOR: Not inspected, but original central staircase remains. Interior has been sub-divided into apartments. Listing NGR: ST7430363191
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