656-1/41/1575 (South side) Nos.19-26 (Consec)
05/08/75 GV II Eight houses at end of extended terrace. c1830.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar fronts, coursed and squared block rear, painted to Nos 21-23 both front and rear, concrete tile roofs.
EXTERIOR: Small double depth cottages with central valley gutter, each of two storeys, with one window front except No.20, with upper floor carried over a wide carriage way, with two windows at first floor, with door to right, and extra, wide bay with pair of plank sliding carriage way doors. All windows are plain plate glass, save for sashed windows to No.19, No.23 and No.26. On left-hand side of each front is a six-panelled door with shallow transom light (in four panes to Nos. 23 and 24). Broad platband, moulded cornice, blocking course and parapet, all slightly stepped up to end house, also straight jointed to No.25. Two ashlar stacks to each of coped party divisions. Right return plain, with one twelve-pane sash. Rear mainly plain sashes, but twelve-pane to No.23, and various other lights and casement doors, small extensions to each.
INTERIORS: Not inspected. No.23 is reported as possessing many original features.
HISTORY: This group forms the modest termination of a long terrace (qqv 1-6, 7-14, and 8-15), is of interest for showing the provision of housing of different degrees within the same overall development: despite their lesser visual status, it is these cottages which face the south flank of the Church of St Mark, opened in 1832 (qv). Listing NGR: ST7513964192
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