(South side)
Nos.2 AND 3 with boundary walls
and gate piers (Formerly Listed
AND 17-21 (Consec))
05/08/75 GV II Pair of terrace houses. c1800-1804, possibly by Charles Harcourt Masters.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, painted to front, slate roofs.
PLAN: Double depth compact block, entered from south side, but with principal elevation and garden to north.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, each two windows, all glazing bar sashes, second floor are paired twelve-pane sashes, then three tripartite eight:twelve:eight pane sashes, above paired sashes, and three ten:fifteen:ten pane sash Venetian windows. Ground floor has twelve-pane sash, glazed door in pilaster doorcase with pediment, paired twelve-pane sash, and two pairs of margin pane casement glazed doors with transom light. First floor platband, frieze, cornice, blocking course and parapet. Hipped roof centred over three bays to right has large central ashlar stack. To rear No. 2 has narrow three storey parapeted wings to sunk centre recess, with twelve-pane sashes, and panelled door to arched opening with plain fanlight. In set back centre has twelve-pane sashes and tall stair light. No. 3 has similar narrow wing to right, with four-pane sashes and panelled door in deep reveals, with set back main body with two four-pane sashes above one in deep splayed surround, and yard boundary wall. Various stacks on this side.
INTERIORS: No. 3 inspected by Bath Council 1986. Kitchen has flagged-stone floors and cast iron oven. Victorian fireplaces
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: North side full width boundary wall in regular coursed stone with parapet, and paired gatepiers with pyramidal cappings to No. 2 and moulded capping to No. 3. Lower ashlar wall also returns at party divisions. Part of very long speculative row, with many variations, but retaining substantial original detail, especially to north elevations. Listing NGR: ST7466863504
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