(South side)
Nos.18 AND 19 (Formerly Listed as:
05/08/75 GV II Pair of terrace houses. c1800-1804 with C20 alterations. Possibly by Charles Harcourt Masters.
MATERIALS: Rendered rubble front, slate roofs.
PLAN: Compact double depth houses with central valley, entered from south side, with principal elevation and garden to north.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, two windows each, plain sashes, tripartite outer bays and single light inner. At first floor No. 18 has single light tripartite window blind, with Venetian window to first floor. Ground floor two single sashes, to left, panelled door under tent hood on latticed standards. No. 19 similar, with both sidelights blind to second floor, and further light added, and door to right. First floor windows have iron flower guards. Platband above ground floor, cornice, blocking course and parapet. Coped party walls each have stack, with small stack to centre. Rear fully built out to pavement level, in rubble, with various sashes, some blocked. Those to No. 18 with flush moulded wood architraves, and door with slab hood and cheeks, with reeded front edges. No. 19 has C20 door and hood with cheeks.
INTERIORS: No. 18 Recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 1994.Venetian window on first floor. There is a circular pane over the central arch. Tiled fireplace in the ground floor sitting room with a later surround. There is a 100¿ deep well in the kitchen. Cantilevered staircase with mahogany cross-banded handrail. No. 19 Recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 1994 and a measured survey carried out for the owner. Marble slate mantle and surround with shallow design in gold. Three horizontal panels underneath. Panelled door with raised figures of Diana and Ceres. Folding mahogany butlers¿ tray in hall.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: North side, set back, are two pairs of channelled ashlar square gatepiers, centre pair conjoined, with moulded cappings, to C20 wood gates. Concave arch to each side coursed stone wall to plain coping, approx 1.7m high to No.18 and 1.3m to No. 19, sweep forward, terminating in simple square pier at each end. Stonewalls also return at party divisions. Only pair of houses in row in which boundary wall taken back from normal pavement edge.
Part of long speculative row, with many variations, retaining much of original detailing to both fronts. Indenture 1st May 1790 for 19 Devonshire Buildings (BPT) Listing NGR: ST7480163566
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