(South side)
Nos.20 AND 21
(Formerly Listed as: DEVONSHIRE
BUILDINGS Nos.1-15 AND 17-21
05/08/75 GV II Pair of terrace houses. c1800-1804. Possibly by Charles Harcourt Masters.
MATERIALS: Rendered limestone rubble, and slate roofs.
PLAN: Compact double depth range with central valley, built up full width to rear, with end elevation to Devonshire Place. Principal elevation and gardens are to north.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, two windows each. No. 20 has twelve-pane sashes, larger sixteen-pane sash on first floor, left, with original iron flower guard. Centred to ground floor original panelled door in Tuscan doorcase with closed pediment. No. 21 has plain sashes at second floor above French windows to full width balcony on lattice supports, with original decorative iron railing. Ground floor are two-light casements, with central part glazed door in wide latticed architrave with cornice. Lintel, shallow frieze, blocking course and parapet, with three ball finials to No. 21. Hipped roofs have square central stacks. Return to Devonshire Place has added external stack. To left, plain sash at first floor. Parapet has ball finial at return to rear of block. Rear, in exposed rubble to No. 20, has pattern of windows, at normal level alternating with dropped stair lights. No. 20 has twelve-pane sash windows, but No. 21 has mainly plain sash, with original iron flower guards. Each has, under stair windows, door in solid cheeks with slab hood.
INTERIORS: No. 20 Recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 1990¿s, it has retained many of its original features. No. 20 Recorded by Bath Preservation Trust in 2000 now has a doorway to the kitchen in what is thought to be the original outside wall, the kitchen area having been built some fifty years later. The grey marble fireplace is probably not in its original place. Drawing room created from two original rooms. The French windows to the balcony are later additions.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: No. 20 has pair of rusticated square ashlar gatepiers to moulded flat cappings, and boundary wall in squared dressed block to weathered coping, plus low railings. No. 21 has plain square ashlar piers and end pier, each with pyramidal capping with ball finial, with coursed rubble walling plus railings. Squared block wall returns to frontage at left, and at party divisions. End pair in very long speculative row, with many variations, retaining substantial original detailing, but more modified in No. 21. Listing NGR: ST7481863573
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