(South side)
Stable and Coach
House block of
Lyncombe House
05/08/75 GV II Stable, coach house, and service building. Early C19.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar or rubble, slate and pantile roofs.
EXTERIOR: Two compact gabled ranges are linked by lower hipped block to south, lean-to block to north, with boundary wall to road, and enclosing small courtyard. To south, facing school (qv), are two coped gables, each with small arched light above small oculus, and wide `Palladian' unit to ground floor, that to left has one nine-pane light and two blind panels, to right are paired margin pane lights to central panel with paired margin pane lights set to arch. Openings have platband surrounds. Lower unit, in same plane, has central square ridge ventilator above door and two twelve-pane sashes. Left hand range, also with central ridge ventilator, has ashlar front with central twenty-pane and flanking sixteen-pane sashes at first floor, above former carriage openings, with cornice, blocking course and parapet, coped gable to road in rubble or coursed stone, with large central blind oculus, rear wall is plain, with one large window to ground floor, and cornice and high blocking course. High boundary wall with broad flat coping swept up to right, has pair of tall square piers to flat pyramidal caps, with C20 gates, to left gable end of second range, in two storeys, with pantile roof. Outer wall of range has three nine-pane sashes above two twelve-pane, attached lower wing.
INTERIORS: Not inspected.
HISTORY: Attached to the former pleasure ground of Lyncombe Spaw, these buildings may date from after 1805, when the failing attraction was offered up for auction and possible conversion to a private residence. The buildings, considerably altered, now serve as classrooms and accommodation for the school.
SOURCES: Maurice Scott, `Discovering Widcombe and Lyncombe, Bath' (2nd ed 1993), 100 ff. Listing NGR: ST7530963494
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