No.2 and attached
railings, vaults
and pavement
(Formerly Listed
(North side) Nos
1-4 (consec)
11/08/72 GV II Terrace house. c1770-1776 with C19 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, painted to ground floor and basement, rubble below basement windows, rubble and render to rear, double pile parapeted mansard roof, artificial slate to front, Welsh slate to rear, with two ashlar stacks rising from coped party wall to right. Staircase to rear.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, single bay three-window front. First floor has Venetian window with plate glass horned sashes in splayed reveals with lowered stone sill with large wrought iron balconette on scrolled wrought iron brackets (cf. 1 and 3 Montpelier qv). Second floor has three grouped plate glass sashes, to centre with horns, narrower to left and right, in plain reveals with splayed jambs with continuous stone sill. Ground floor has to left two paired plate glass sashes in plain reveals with splayed jambs with continuous stone sill with scrolled wrought iron bracket support, to right six-panel door with flush and fielded panels with C19 cast iron knocker and plate glass overlight in round headed opening with ovolo moulded architrave, cement covered crossover flush with pavement has pair of C19 cast iron footscrapers. Basement has two six/six sashes splayed reveals with continuous stone sill, plank door in plank screen projecting from under crossover and with corrugated plastic roof, panelled door and six-pane fixed light to vaults, tank suspended in area, no area steps. Double dormer with plate glass sashes. Band course over ground floor, sill band to first floor, bracketed eaves cornice and coped parapet all continuous with Nos 1, 3 and 4 Montpelier (qv). Rear elevation partially visible has glazing bar sashes, rendered full height extension off staircase. throughout.
INTERIOR: Surveyed by Bath Preservation Trust 1993. Brass and black ceramic bell pull either side of fireplace. Varnished cupboard flanking fireplace. Large cupboard to left of fireplace in study with original hinges, top set appear to be later. Basement has trap in ceiling of passage with solid glass skylight to hall, flagged-stone floors. Bread oven and range with Bath dresser to ceiling, three drawers with open space below. Large double cupboards with ventilation panels over and arched recess between. Panelled cupboards , marble fireplaces and doors and windows/shutters retained
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Attached wrought iron railings with shaped heads on limestone bases. Attached vaults carry raised pennant pavement with simple wrought iron railing to front edge, one small opening with plank door to roadway. Listing NGR: ST7491365444
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