(West side)
No.21 and
attached railings
(Formerly Listed
STREET Nos.3-27
11/08/72 GV II Formerly known as: Nos 10-22 (consec) & No.1 Belvedere Place MORFORD STREET. Terrace house, now flats. c1775-1789 with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar to front, painted to ground floor, with timber bressumer over ground floor, rubble to basement, ashlar and rubble to rear, double pile mansard roof, parapeted to front, pantile to upper slopes to front and rear, double Romans to lower slope to front, Welsh Slate to lower slope to rear, coped party wall to left with two stacks, ashlar to rear, rebuilt in reconstituted stone to front, both with early clay pots.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, two-window front. First floor has two six/six-sashes, to right with horns, in splayed reveals with stone sills, second floor has two similar horned sashes. Ground floor has to left two paired plate glass horned sashes in splayed reveals with continuous stone sill, to right six-panel door with flush fielded and recessed panels in moulded stone architrave with frieze and projecting moulded cornice over. Basement has blocked former window opening with timber lintel, door under crossover not visible, to left basement area before No.21 belongs to No.19 and has Pennant area steps. Double dormer with six/six-horned sashes. Band course over ground floor, moulded eaves cornice and coped parapet rebuilt in reconstituted stone. Rear elevation has six/six-horned sashes, C20 alterations to basement and C20 porch sheltering new rear access to flats.
INTERIOR: Not inspected but noted as having undergone alterations during conversion to flats.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Attached wrought iron railings, to right with urn heads, and gate on limestone and concrete bases. Listing NGR: ST7486265580
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