656-1/0/0 (West side)
Nos.1-8 (Consec) (Formerly Listed as: HATFIELD BUILDINGS, Widcombe Hill Nos.1-8 (Consec))
05/08/75 GV II Eight terrace houses. C.1820 with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roofs.
PLAN: Row of double depth houses stepped to steep hill, with two houses returned at lower end to form an L-plan overall, part of larger group (qv Nos 9-13; 13a-17, and 18/18a) around square, open towards north.
EXTERIOR: Nos 1 and 2, facing north, in two storeys, with three + one windows, all glazing-bar sashes. Three-bay section has two sixteen-pane flanking blind central panel, above sixteen-pane, and central C20 square porch with panelled door. Set forward, to right, single narrow bay, with twelve/twelve-pane, and beyond this, slightly set back, further bay added in late C20, carefully matched in detail. First floor windows are to sill band, and there moulded cornice, with blocking course and parapet, which all return to single bay, left, with sixteen-paned sash at first floor above plain wall. Hipped roof has broad stack to rear. Nos 3-8 are attached to rear of No.2. Nos 4,5,6, and 8 have painted ashlar fronts. Nos 3-6 have two windows above single window and door, ground floor light set in broad sunk arched panel. Nos.3 and 4 have replacement lights, and panelled door to plain fanlight. No.5 has plain sashes, and door with four-glazed panels, under swagged radial fanlight. No.6 has twelve-pane above six-pane, with C20 glazed door and radial fanlight. No.7 has one-window, with sixteen-pane at each level, and panelled door with plain fanlight. No.8 has three storeys, single-bay, all replacement lights, and does not have sunk arched panel to ground floor. Return double gabled, with C20 glazed door and various lights. Each house has sill band, cornice with blocking course and coping, coped party-division, and ashlar stacks to left.
INTERIOR: Not inspected. Listing NGR: ST7567364230
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