656-1/0/0 (North side)
Nos.9-13 (Consec) (Formerly Listed as: HATFIELD BUILDINGS, Widcombe Hill Nos.9-13 (Consec))
05/08/75 GV II Five terrace houses. C.1820 with C20 alterations.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, slate roofs.
EXTERIOR: Two storeys, some with basements. No.9, with eaves roof, has two wide-spaced windows, twelve-pane sashes, with central square porch to flat roof, on two very high steps, with early six-panel door having keystone to sunk segmental head, and with dentil cornice, blocking course and parapet. To right added C20 bay. Nos 10-12 are set forward from No.9, with slight change of direction at No.11. Windows are twelve-pane sash, in splayed surrounds at middle floor, two+one+one to first floor, and one+one+one to ground floor, with panelled doors grouped together to Nos 10 and 11, on flight of stone steps with landing. No.11 also has cast iron balconette, and door to lower ground floor. No.12 has window and door to lower ground floor, and between 11 and 12 throughway, with iron grille gate. Moulded cornice, with blocking course and parapet. No.13, stepped down, similar, with two twelve-pane at each level, and square porch with pair of two-panel doors, and with small arched lights with Art Nouveau glass in returns, dentil cornice, blocking and parapet similar to No.9. Gabled single storey block with squared and coursed stone to left.
INTERIOR: Not inspected. Listing NGR: ST7569664223
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