Nos.31-40 (Consecutive)
12/06/50 GV II Terrace houses. c1795. Probably by John Palmer.
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar with Welsh slate roofs.
PLAN: Double depth plan houses with entrances to right and staircases to rear.
EXTERIOR: Three storeys, attic and basement, three windows to each. Ground floors are rusticated with voussoirs and dropped keystones to openings (no ground floor rustication to No.40). Most windows are plain plate glass sashes, but No.32 has six/six-sashes. Six-panel doors with rectangular light over, No.40 has Tuscan doorcase with half columns and broken pediment, panelled door and fanlight. Platband and sill band to first floor. Nos 32 and 33 have wrought iron window guards to first floor windows. Wrought iron area railings with bridge to each front door. Rainwater pipes with lead hopperheads between Nos 32/33, 34/35, 36/37 and 38/39. Lintel, cornice, parapet, mansard roof, each house has two flat topped dormers (No.40 has one paired one). Ashlar stacks, all have pots, with many old clay ones. Rear elevations are rubble with some ashlar. Nos 35 and 37 have projecting added wings. Mostly six/six-sashes. Various dormers, single, double, and stretched (No.38 has four-light one), mostly two/two-sashes.
INTERIORS: Not all inspected, but many retain their fine mouldings and fittings. No. 31 partially inspected by Bath Council in 1997 has original fireplace with swags and an enriched plaster arch in hall, and stone staircase with square banisters and original handrail. No. 32 has glazed double doors, similar staircase to 31, early Victorian marble fireplace and elliptical sideboard arch.
HISTORY: Northern half of terrace was first built, being followed by the southern half in the early C19 (qv). Originally mirrored by the eastern terrace of Green Park, which was demolished in c1950 following bomb damage in WWII. Stylistic similarities with John Palmer's other houses of the 1790s in St James's Square, and he is known to have been involved with development in the Green Park area. These houses have one of the best preserved ranges of coach houses at the end of their gardens facing onto Midland Bridge Road (qv). SOURCES: (Ison W: The Georgian Buildings of Bath: Bath: 1980-: 178-179). Listing NGR: ST7454264714
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