BATH 656-1/17/10023 NEW KING STREET
12-JUN-1950 (South side)
(Formerly listed as:
(Formerly listed as:
10-34) GV II
A terraced house built in 1764-1770 with C19 alterations. MATERIALS: the house is built in Limestone ashlar, with stone rubble to the rear. Its roof, lower then the other houses in the row, can not be seen from the front, and has an ashlar stack to the right. The rear roof slope is covered in tiles. PLAN: it has a narrow single bay plan, the smallest in the terrace, the others being two bays wide, with its hall and stairs to the left, with a two storey out-shut to the rear. EXTERIOR: a three storey front elevation with basement, with the lower storey and plat-band painted. The entrance to the left has a six panelled door set in a Doric half-column door-case with full entablature and pediment. It is similar in design to that of No. 26 (qv) and slightly overlaps the adjoining house, No. 27 (qv). It has a plain sash window to its right, with centrally positioned similar plain sashes to the floors above. Above this, a modillion cornice with low blocking course and parapet. The elevation has a straight joint in the stonework on the right hand side and, unlike to the left, its modillion cornice does not align with the adjacent house (No. 29). The rear elevation is set back from the adjoining properties and has a C20 window to each floor, set in existing openings, replacing former sash windows. INTERIOR: not inspected. SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: the basement area to the front is enclosed by a plain railing set on a stone curb, returned to the doorway. HISTORY: New King Street was built in 1764-70. The street, including No. 28, is shown on the Ordnance Survey 1:500 scaled Town Plan, published in 1886. The terraced houses along the south side of the street were built by the stone mason John Ford, with Thomas Jelly, and those to the north by the carpenter James Coleman. Although the houses in the street have broad consistency of detail, there are clear variations in the elevations, indicating the street was built in different phases. SOURCES: Forsyth, M, Bath - Pevsner Architectural Guides (2003), p 252
First edition Ordnance Survey 1:500 Town Plan for Bath published 1886. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: No. 28 New King Street in Bath is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest: it is a good example of a late-C18 town house displaying good quality architectural detailing.
* Historic interest: it forms part of an important Georgian housing development built in 1764-70.
* Group value: it forms part of an interesting group of late-C18 terraced houses built along an important Georgian street in Bath.
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