No.1 and attached
vaults (Formerly
Listed as: NEW BOND
STREET (North side)
Nos 1-3 (consec)
New Bond Street Buildings)
11/08/72 GV II Shop with accommodation above c1720 and c1810 with C20 alterations. Probably by John Palmer (1810).
MATERIALS: Limestone ashlar, now painted, area of render to rear of front range, asbestos slate to parapeted roof to front range and gabled roof to rear range, front range has ashlar stack with early clay pots rising from coped party wall to right and shared with No.2 New Bond Street Buildings (qv) and small ashlar stack rising from coped gable wall to left, rear range has ashlar stack rising from coped gable wall to left and shared with No.20 Green Street (qv).
EXTERIOR: New Bond Street Buildings form part of sweep from Milsom Street into New Bond Street, front range has splayed angle to left at corner with Green Street, left side elevation to Green Street and now incorporates early C18 house in Green Street. Front range four storeys and basement, three-window range. First floor has three six/six-horned sashes in moulded timber architraves, similar window on splay to left, second floor has two plate glass sashes in plain reveals with stone sills, similar blind window, six/six-sash in plain reveal with stone sill on splay to left. Third floor has six/three-sash, plate glass horned sash and blind window all in plain reveals with stone sills, similar six/three-sash in splay to left. Ground floor has shopfront with door on splay and continued to Green Street elevation. No openings to basement. Front range has lintel and moulded cornice over second floor, moulded eaves cornice and coped parapet continuous with Nos 2 and 3 New Bond Street Buildings and No.15 New Bond Street (qv), and ramping down to continue to north side of New Bond Street. Green Street elevation of front range similar three-window range with six/nine-sash to first floor, two six/six-sashes to second floor and one six/three-sash to third floor, these and other blind windows all in plain reveals with stone sills. Cornices continued from front elevation. Rear range three storeys and attic, three-window front. First floor has three small C20 casement windows in beaded reveals probably shortened for insertion of shopfront, second floor has three six/six-sashes in similar reveals. Attic has early nine/nine-sash and blind window in similar reveals. Ground floor has shopfront coped from front in similar style. Moulded strings over first and second floors and over windows in gable to attic, coped gable. Rear elevation not visible.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
HISTORY: Green Street was laid out on the old Bowling Green in 1716, and this house will have been built shortly after that. New Bond Street Buildings is probably contemporary with the north side of New Bond Street, building leases for which were granted by the Council in 1805 (Minutes 27th February 1805), with designs by the City Architect, John Palmer. Listing NGR: ST7497964973
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