Reasons for Designation
Listable at Grade II.
878/0/10094 MANSTON ROAD
24-JAN-11 Memorial to Charles Lemon Frazer Danie
ll RNR, St John's Cemetery GV II
Funerary monument, 1899, the monument is Portland stone, and the burial plot is bordered by a decorative iron railing on a stone kerb. DESCRIPTION: The memorial takes the form of a cross on a tall, slightly tapering Classical pedestal, which is treated as a Rostral Column: the prow of a boat emerging from either side. At the base of the cross is an anchor, and a carved chain, now missing in parts, is draped over the cross. The original inscription is at the top of the pedestal and beneath is a decorative panel, carved with a shell and acanthus leaf motif. The plinth also bears inscriptions dedicated to other members of the Daniell family. HISTORY: The memorial marries the traditional Christian symbolism of the cross of faith and the anchor of hope, with classical forms and references. Rostral columns were used in ancient Greece and Rome to commemorate naval military victory, and took the form of a monumentally-scaled column, decorated with the prows, or rostra, of captured ships. CLF Daniell was a Royal Naval Reserve, and the anchor, the shell motif and the rostra, as well as having symbolic meaning or stylistic associations in their own right, together give the monument a maritime theme. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION:
The memorial to CLF Daniell, St John's Cemetery, Margate, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Sculptural interest: the memorial marries traditional Christian symbolism with classical forms and references to create an eclectic and visually rich memorial with a maritime theme.
* Group value: behind the memorial, to the immediate north, are the impressive Sanger family memorials.
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