Canal fence posts, c1840, erected alongside the Macclesfield Canal. Local sandstone.
Reasons for Designation
The Macclesfield Canal fence posts north of bridge no.20 are designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons: * Historic interest: they are important survivals illustrating the history and use of the Macclesfield Canal in the early-mid C19; * Intactness: the fence posts are believed to survive in their original location and are largely intact; * Group value: they have group value with other nearby Grade II listed structures along the canal, including bridge no.19 and bridge no.20.
The Macclesfield Canal was approved by an Act of Parliament in April 1826 and was one of the last narrow canals to be built. The route of the canal was surveyed by Thomas Telford and the engineer was William Crosley. The canal was constructed at a cost of £320,000 and opened on 9 November 1831. The canal fence posts north of bridge no.20 are believed to date to c1840 (one of the posts bears this date) and originally incorporated removable wooden rails/poles that enabled spoil to be tipped down the embankment. The rails were later replaced by redundant mine cables from a local coal mine, and most recently by barbed wire.
Canal fence posts, c1840, erected alongside the Macclesfield Canal. Local sandstone LOCATION: The fence posts are located along the outside edge of the tow path on the north-west side of the Macclesfield Canal, on a raised embankment section of the canal approximately midway between bridge no.20 and bridge no.19. DESCRIPTION: The fence posts, of which 73 are visible amongst heavily overgrown vegetation, are constructed of local sandstone and are formed of roughly-hewn, tapered slabs. The posts are approximately 1-1.5 metres high and are each pierced by two railing slots. A small number of the posts are damaged at the top, but most are intact. The fence posts are evenly spaced, although some in the line are missing, and many are now inter-linked by barbed wire.
Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Cheshire, (2011)Websites The Macclesfield Canal, accessed from
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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