Books and journals
Cathcart, B, Test of Greatness: Britain’s struggle for the atomic bomb , (1994)
Clive, R, Fort Halstead: A Celebration of the First 100 years, (1977)
Cocroft, W D, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent: A Brief Assessment of the Role of Fort Halstead in Britain's Early Rocket Programmes and the Atomic Bomb Project , (2010)
Hamilton-Baillie, J, 'Country Life' in London’s Victorian Forts, , Vol. Nov 13 1986 , (1986 ), 1560-2
Smith, V, 'Post-Medieval Archaeology' in Chatham and London: The Changing Face of English Land Fortification 1870-1918, , Vol. 19 , (1985), 105-149
Smith, V, 'London Archaeologist' in The London Mobilisation Centres, , Vol. Vol 2, No 12 , (1975), 244-248
Aperture cards (of original plans) for buildings within the fort :
Fort Halstead H.E. Research Bomb Chamber [Building F16] Lightning Protection, 12th September 1947
Fort Halstead Bomb Chamber [Building F16], 20th August 1947
Fort Halstead Detonation Laboratory [Building F17], August 1947
H.E. Research (Old Fort Area) Drainage & Cold Water Supply Detonation Laboratory [Buildings F16, F17 & F18], 18th February 1948
Fort Halstead Detonation Laboratory [Building F17] Reinforcement Details, 1947
Cocroft, WD & Fiorato, V, Fort Halstead: a summary history, 2012,
English Heritage Archives:
Aerial Photograph (October 1946): RAF CPE UK 1789 11 Oct 1946, frame 4473
Aerial Photograph (April 1947): RAF CPE UK 1982 11 April 1947, frame 1110
Aerial Photograph (May 1952): RAF 540/731, 15 May 52, frame 4075
Griffiths, N, , R.A.R.D.E. Fort Halstead: a short history, 1984,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.