A war memorial, dating from c1921, by Freebury and Hillman, monumental masons of Stroud.
Reasons for Designation
The war memorial at Uley is designated at Grade II, for the following principal reasons:
* Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on this community;
* Architectural interest: for the quality of the design and craftsmanship of this sombre and dignified memorial;
* Group value: with the designated buildings and structures which form its setting, principally the Church of St Giles (Grade II*), in whose churchyard it is situated, and the large number of designated tombs and churchyard memorials.
The war memorial at Uley was erected c1921; a plan and elevation by Freebury and Hillman, monumental masons of nearby Stroud, dated 21 July 1921, are preserved in the Gloucestershire Archives. Freebury and Hillman, later the Art Memorial Company, were responsible for a number of war memorials in the Stroud area. The memorial is prominently sited within the churchyard of the Church of St Giles (Grade II*).
MATERIALS: local limestone. PLAN: the memorial cross is set on a square base c2m across. DESCRIPTION: the structure takes the form of a cross, with an incised cross-shape and slightly flared terminals to the arms. Below this, the tapering octagonal column is topped by a flaring collar, and terminates in a simply-moulded base. This is set on a square plinth, whose south face is inscribed: PRAISING GOD FOR THE / VALOUR OF ENGLAND THIS / STONE OF REMEMBRANCE / IS RAISED TO HONOUR THE / MEN OF THIS PARISH & ALL / THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES / IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919 , in a simple upper-case font with a hanging initial capital. The remaining faces of the base are blank; the names of the Fallen are included on a Roll of Honour placed inside the church. The base sits upon a platform of three steps. This List entry has been amended to add sources for War Memorials Online and the War Memorials Register. These sources were not used in the compilation of this List entry but are added here as a guide for further reading, 10 January 2017.
Websites War Memorials Online, accessed 10 January 2017 from War Memorials Register, accessed 10 January 2017 from Other Gloucestershire Archives GDR/F1/1/1921/49: Uley - stone cross as war memorial, Freebury and Hillman, plan and elevation dated 19 July 1921. ,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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