First World War Memorial erected in c1920 in memory of seven men of the parish of Tormarton who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the First World War, and subsequently another two men who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the Second World War.
Reasons for Designation
Tormarton War Memorial is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Historic interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impacts of world events on this community, and the sacrifices it made in the conflicts of the C20;
* Architectural interest: a simple but imposing design, including a cross pattee, well-crafted in Costwold stone;
* Intactness: the structure survives well;
* Group value: it groups well with the adjacent church of St Mary Magdalene (Grade I) and the listed memorials within the churchyard.
A First World War Memorial erected in c1920 in the churchyard of St Mary Magdalene's church in Tormarton, in memory of seven men of the parish who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the First World War, and subsequently another two men who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the Second World War. The memorial was repaired in 2008 with a grant from War Memorials Trust. It was gently cleaned with water and non-metallic brushes to remove the lichen and any surface dirt. The letters were re-cut where required, and repainted using black enamel paint to increase legibility.
First World War Memorial erected in c1920 in the churchyard of St Mary Magdalene’s, Tormarton, in memory of seven men of the parish who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the First World War, and subsequently another two men who lost their lives whilst serving their country in the Second World War. The memorial is a Cotswold stone cross pattée with a tapered shaft, surmounting a two-stepped octagonal base set on a square plinth. The top-tier of the octagonal base is inscribed with black enamel painted lettering on three sides, that to the centre with the words:
REMEMBER/ THE/ MEN OF TORMARTON/ WHO/ DIED IN THE GREAT WAR/ 1914 - 1918/"LIVE THOU FOR ENGLAND/ WE FOR ENGLAND DIED" . To the left are four names of the fallen, and to the left a further three with a further two names added under the inscription 1939 - 1945.
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