First World War memorial, 1920, with later additions for the Second World War.
Reasons for Designation
Daresbury War Memorial, situated in the churchyard of the Church of All Saints, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Historic Interest: as an eloquent witness to the tragic impact of world events on this local community, and the sacrifice it has made in the conflicts of the C20.
* Group Value: with the Grade II*-listed Church of All Saints.
Daresbury War Memorial was unveiled on 30 October 1920 by Brigadier Sir CM Maynard, in commemoration of the 16 men from the parish who died fighting during the First World War. Plaques commemorating the four men who fell in the Second World War were added after that conflict.
The tall, stone, memorial stands in the north-west corner of the churchyard of the Church of All Saints (Grade II*-listed), in the intersection of two paths. It comprises a blind wheel-head cross rising from a tapering, octagonal, shaft. The quarters of the wheel-head are decorated with fleurs-de-lis carved in low relief. The moulded foot of the shaft stands on an octagonal plinth. The plinth is raised on a four-stepped, octagonal, base. Plaques of a different, paler, stone are fixed to faces of the plinth and steps. The plaque on the south face of the plinth reads TO THE/ GLORIOUS MEMORY/ OF THE MEN/ OF THIS PARISH WHO/ GAVE THEIR LIVES/ FOR THEIR COUNTRY/ 1914 – 1919. The names of those who fell are listed on plaques on four of the flanking faces of the plinth. The south-facing sides of the top step of the base bear an inscription reading THEIR NAME/ LIVETH FOR/ EVERMORE. In addition, the south face of the second step of the base bears the inscription 1939 – 1945, with the names of those who fell in the Second World War listed on two flanking plaques. All inscriptions are in metal letters attached to the plaques.
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