Heritage Assets in Inland Waters: an appraisal of their significance and protection

Author(s): Antony Firth

This report commissioned from Fjordr by English Heritage (now Historic England) addresses the range of heritage assets that may be found under inland waters. The focus is on assets or features that go unnoticed because they are literally 'in' the water, beneath the surface. The report considers the significance of such assets and their archaeological potential. Heritage assets and their components under inland waters have received relatively little attention in England. The report concentrates on designated heritage assets such as scheduled monuments and listed buildings in the first instance. The presence and significance of non-designated assets and hitherto unknown assets are also addressed. The report considers the threats to heritage assets in inland waters, their management, and the potential for greater awareness and appreciation. The project focuses on non-tidal waterways, including canals but with an emphasis on navigable rivers. Examples are drawn from across England but especially from a study area comprising the catchment of the rivers Kennet and Bristol Avon, including the Kennet and Avon canal.

Report Number:


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