East Coast War Channels in the First and Second World Wars

Author(s): Antony Firth

The East Coast War Channels are the carefully defined routes that were swept of mines between the Thames and the border with Scotland in both the First and Second World Wars. These routes formed the main seaways for the vast amount of civilian shipping that was necessary for the country's domestic needs and to keep fighting. Thus they were a key theatre of great significance to the history of England. The main focus of the report is the remains of mechant vessels, fishing vessels and minor warships. The report also notes the coastal infrastructure such as boom defences, wireless stations and sea forts. It deals with sources of data about the remains of the war channels. The report was commissioned by English Heritage (now Historic England) from Fjordr Limited as part of the work of the National Heritage Protection Plan on understanding and protecting 20th century military heritage.

Report Number:
Defence Modern First World War Second World War


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