Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Manor Farm Barn, Town Street, Askham, Nottinghamshire

Author(s): Robert Howard, R R Laxton, Cliff Litton

A total of twenty-seven samples were obtained from this building, but of this number three were unsuitable for tree-ring dating. Analysis of the remaining twenty-four samples produced two dated site chronologies, and dated three samples individually. The first site chronology consists of fourteen samples, all from the main structural timbers, and is 101 rings long. This site chronology is dated as spanning the years AD 1439 to AD 1539. Interpretation of the sapwood would suggest that all the timbers represented were felled in the period AD 1545-9. The second site chronology consists of three samples, all from common rafters, and is 96 rings long. This is dated as spanning the years AD 1629 to AD 1724. Interpretation of the sapwood would suggest that the timbers represented have a felling date of AD 1724. Such a felling for timbers of the roof is in part supported by the dating of at least one, and possibly two, other samples individually. The dating of a third sample individually provides some evidence for the use of timber that is estimated to have been felled in the period AD 1684 - AD 1709. Thus, while the main structure of the barn appears to be mid-sixteenth century in date, the roof may have been replaced in the early eighteenth century.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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