Leominster Priory, Leominster, Herefordshire: Report on Geophysical Surveys, October 2023

Author(s): Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne, Sandra Hahn, Megan Clements

Caesium magnetometer, earth resistance and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were conducted in accessible areas in the immediate vicinity of Leominster Priory, Leominster, Herefordshire. The vehicle towed caesium magnetometer survey (0.9ha) was conducted over a large area of recreational space, known as The Grange, found to the south of the priory and responded mainly buried metal with some indication small, localised burning, former paths and evidence for medieval ridge and furrow cultivation. Earth resistance survey (0.7ha) confirmed the survival of the double apsidal end to the east of the priory together with evidence to support a possible north building range of the priory cloister in Pinsley Mead. Results from the vehicle towed GPR survey (2.1ha) were less successful, perhaps due to heavily saturated soil conditions, but identified fragmentary structural remains to partially corroborate the other two techniques.

Report Number:
Research Report
Caesium Vapour Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Magnetometer


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