Developing Local Assessment Toolkits - a scoping study to look at developing a standard model for recording cemeteries and burial grounds

Author(s): Mytum

This report scopes issues surrounding greater standardising in the recording of cemeteries and burial grounds. It summarises the results of wide consultation with many different interested parties, representing both professional and volunteer groups working within the heritage sector. Cemeteries and burial grounds are well known elements of the historic environment. They are of interest to a wide range of stakeholders. However they are complex in terms of their ownership, legal position, their unusual combination of below- and above-ground archaeology and the built environment and so also complex with regards to their statutory protection and the planning system. The project was carried out by researchers from the University of Liverpool. It was commissioned as part of wider work on understanding the significance of cemeteries and burial grounds within the National Heritage Protection Plan 2011-2015. Where the report refers to the work of English Heritage, these are functions currently carried out by Historic England.

Report Number:
Burial Environments Human Remains Burial Cemetery


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