Surrey and Sussex: Chemical Analysis of Production Waste from Wealden Glasshouses

Author(s): Vanessa Castagnino

The scientific analysis of surface finds from selected Wealden glasshouse sites provides clear information as to the chemical composition of both glassmaking crucibles and glassworking waste. The aim of the study is to determine whether this information can be used to establish an approximate date for each site in relation to the arrival of Jean Carré’s immigrant glassworkers, c 1567, by looking for technical changes in both crucible construction and glass composition. This research forms part of the wider remit of the Wealden Glass Project (5299), funded by English Heritage and undertaken by Surrey Archaeological Unit. The project aims to locate and characterise the glasshouse sites in the region, in order to establish a sound framework for the management of these sites. The results of the study suggest multi-phased development of many of the glasshouses in terms of both crucible construction and glass composition supporting, and expanding, on previous research of the glass industry in the Weald of Surrey and Sussex.

Report Number:
Research Report
Glass Technology


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