Willingham, Cambridgeshire: Report on Geophysical Survey, September 1996

Author(s): M A Cole

This report summarises the results of a geophysical survey undertaken over a group of barrows near Willingham, Cambridgeshire, in September 1996. The group lies immediately adjacent to a tract of land threatened by mineral extraction and as such falls within the study zone of the Willingham Gravel Quarry Hydrological Monitoring Project. The aim of the survey was to confirm the presence and size of the barrows and to attempt to locate any internal structures. It was also hoped that the survey might identify any archaeological features lying in the spaces between them. The site conditions proved well suited to resistivity survey and four barrows each of similar size were clearly identified, three of them surrounded by a single ring ditch. The results over the fifth (and superficially least substantial) mound were inconclusive leaving this feature more open to interpretation. A network of linear ditches of uncertain date was also identified in the area between the barrows.

Report Number:
AML Reports (New Series)
Geophysical Survey Barrow


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