NO.75 PORTLAND PLACE, CITY OF WESTMINSTER: The Historical Significance of the Rear Staircase

Author(s): Susie Barson, Richard Bond, Tara Draper

The English Heritage Inspector of Historic Buildings in the London Region, Westminster team has asked for HA&RT 's help on a proposal to remove a back staircase at 75 Portland Place. This is a grade II* listed house of 1790, the last piece of development of Portland Place begun in the 1770s by architects Robert and James Adam. The Inspector has asked the team to comment on the content and conclusions of two historical reports by the Architectural History Practice relating to the history and fabric of the house and the staircase, and comment on the significance of the staircase. This short report is the result of a visit to the site by Richard Bond and Susie Barson of the HA&RT team, and Tara Draper of the Architectural Investigation team (London). Richard concerned himself with the fabric analysis, Susie with the reliability of the historical reports, and Tara with the question of authenticity of the Adam connection with the house and its decoration.

Report Number:
Building Recording Conservation Architectural Investigation


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