Wentworth Castle Conservatory, Stainborough, South Yorkshire: Chemical Analysis of the Flat Glass

Author(s): David Dungworth, Roger Wilkes

The analysis of 55 fragments of flat glass from the Wentworth Conservatory was undertaken to determine the composition of the glass originally installed during its construction in 1877. A visual examination of the glass during collected suggested that much of the glass was later replacements of float glass from after 1960. The chemical analysis of the glass showed that the vast majority of it contains levels of magnesium that are consistent with manufacture after the introduction of automatic drawing techniques c1930. Four fragments (two of which are joining fragments) have very low levels of magnesia and are compositionally consistent with manufacture between c1830 and c1930. It is likely that this glass represents the glass originally installed at Wentworth in 1877.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Glass Post Medieval Technology


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