Old Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wiltshire: Report on Geophysical Survey, March 2024

Author(s): Megan Clements, Neil Linford

A Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was conducted within the grounds of Old Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wiltshire, following a request from the English Heritage Trust. The aim of the survey (1.2ha) was to provide a better understanding of any limitations or risks relating to buried archaeology and to estimate its depth, to inform the location of temporary structures and transport of heavy equipment required for events held at the site. The results have confirmed the survival of formal garden features known from a previous earth resistance survey, and suggest polygonal wall-footings of the castle may have extended further beyond the standing remains than has previously been recognised. Historic drainage conduits and modern services have also been located.

Report Number:
Research Report
Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Medieval Castle


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