Glastonbury Lake Village, Glastonbury, Somerset: Dendrochronological Analysis and Radiocarbon Wiggle Matching of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Nigel Nayling, Roderick Bale, Bronk Ramsey, Elaine Dunbar, Paula Reimer, Peter Marshall

Sixteen timbers from worked wood and a tree stump excavated from Glastonbury Lake Village were submitted for tree-ring dating, Five oak samples, that had originally be excavated by Bulleid and Grey in 1896–7 but been reburied, were deemed suitable for analysis. Two sets of two samples (GLV 206 and 214, and GLV 207 and 213) crossmatched against each other. None of the timbers, or means of the two series of relatively dated samples, crossdate against reference chronologies. Three of the unmeasured timbers were sub-sampled for radiocarbon wigglematching, the results of which are presented in this report.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Iron Age Radiocarbon Dating


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