Hinton St Mary Parish and Roman Site: Aerial Investigation

Author(s): Edward Carpenter

The aerial investigation and mapping of the Hinton St Mary Roman site was requested by Historic England South West Region to support a British Museum led project investigating the site. Aerial photographs and lidar covering the whole of Hinton St Mary parish were reviewed but no features that could be confidently attributed a Roman date based on their morphology were identified from the aerial sources. Most of the features identified are the remains of medieval/post medieval farming, mainly field boundaries and ridge and furrow. Some of these survive as very low earthworks and were identified on lidar, others were seen in historic aerial photographs and have since been levelled. Relatively few cropmarks were visible across the parish and this may be due to a combination of factors. There are a limited number of specialist archaeological aerial photographs and most non-archaeological aerial photographs were taken at times of the year when cropmark formation is unlikely; additionally, the presence of clayey soils across much of the parish may have hindered cropmark formation.

Report Number:
Research Report
Roman Aerial Photograph Interpretation Aerial Photography Cropmark Ridge and Furrow


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