The Archaeology of English Caves and Rock-Shelters: A Strategy Document

Author(s): Jonathan Last

This document is intended as a stepping stone towards the development of an integrated English Heritage research, conservation and management plan for the archaeology of caves and rock-shelters in England. It presents an assessment of the nature, quantity, distribution and condition of the resource, identifying areas which need further research; and a review of the conservation and management strategies adopted by non-archaeological agencies with an interest in caves, and by other heritage agencies within Britain and Europe. This is followed by recommendations for an EH-funded project aimed at producing an audit of the known archaeology of England’s caves and rock-shelters, and an assessment of the archaeological potential of: (a) archives from and deposits surviving in sites that have already been studied; and (b) sites not previously investigated archaeologically.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Bronze Age Cave Conservation Early Medieval Iron Age Medieval Mesolithic Neolithic Palaeolithic Post Medieval Religious, Ritual and Funerary Roman


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