Exeter Cathedral, Exeter, Devon: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers From the Song School Door

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Matt Hurford, Cathy Tyers

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on 10 boards used in the construction of the Song School Door, Exeter Cathedral. This resulted in the production of two site chronologies, EXTCSQ10 and EXTCSQ11, representing respectively the vertical boards forming the outer face of the door and the horizontal boards forming the inner face of the door. These each comprise readings taken from five boards, with overall lengths of 262 rings and 187 rings respectively. The first site chronology can be dated as spanning the years AD 1087–1348, and the second AD 1142–1328. The vertical boards forming the outer face of the Song School Door are derived from timbers imported from the Baltic, whilst the inner face boards are from locally sourced timber. The timbers forming the inner and outer faces of the Song School Door appear likely to be coeval, indicating an overall terminus post quem for felling of AD 1356. This suggests a construction date somewhat later than the potentially late-thirteenth century date expected.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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