The Heritage Dimension of Commercial Renewable Energy Development in Planning

Author(s): DRP Archaeology

While a heritage dimension is regularly considered in renewable energy planning applications, the quality of any accompanying heritage assessment will impact the degree of predetermination work required, as well as the response and further request for work by the LPA Heritage team further down the planning process. Desk Based Assessments are by far the most popular type of assessment undertaken to explore both designated and undesignated heritage assets. All DBAs provided policy guidance and references, used HERs, and explored both direct and indirect impact. Geophysical surveys were usually accompanied by a DBA, although not necessarily at the same stage of the application process. The research showed that it was the heritage expert who predominantly identified heritage through their assessment. In some cases further inclusions were added by the LPA heritage team and/or Historic England, or clarifications on the level of impact.

Report Number:
Assessment Energy Development


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