Tamar/Lidar: A Single Source Approach To Landscape Survey And Socially Distanced Community Archaeology

Author(s): Richard Sims, Stephanie Knight

This document is the final report for the Aerial Investigation and Mapping (AI&M, previously National Mapping Programme or NMP) project of the Tamar/Lidar survey; a single source approach to landscape survey and socially distanced community archaeology. It takes the form of an illustrated report that provides a review of the methodological outcomes as well as some of the archaeological highlights to emerge from the survey. Key outcomes and highlights include: • Enhanced knowledge of Bronze Age mortuary monuments, their grouping and distribution. • Identification of extensive medieval field systems and several deserted or shrunken settlements, perhaps a result of the later industrialisation of the landscape. • Recording of medieval and later streamworks, mines and associated features that characterise the southern part of the survey area, including the Lumburn Leat, a 15th century feat of engineering. • Addition of 791 new records to the Devon Historic Environment Record, particularly subtle earthworks and those that had been obscured by vegetation cover on the aerial photographs examined for the earlier National Mapping Programme project. • Building capacity in the community through systematically assessing and enhancing community-derived data, and providing feedback which included under-represented but locally distinctive monument types such as orchard banks and catchmeadows, as well as industrial features. • Analysis suggests that certain monument types such as barrows were over-represented in the community derived data. Recommendations for similar projects in the future include a greater element of interaction and ongoing quality assurance and use of standardised recording terminologies.

Report Number:
Research Report
Medieval Post Medieval Prehistoric Settlement Aerial Photograph Interpretation Field System Aerial Photography Lidar Survey National Mapping Programme Settlement Change


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