Wessex Bowl Barrows Project: Report on Geophysical Survey, April 1998

Author(s): E Bray

The aim of the Wessex Bowl Barrow Project, funded by English Heritage, is to investigate the state of preservation of plough-damaged Bronze Age barrows to inform future policy for their conservation. As a preliminary step, routine geophysical survey was undertaken over a sample of 9 sites in order to provide evidence of the survival and location of archaeological features. Only one barrow-like feature was successfully located, at Site 5. Other anomalies of interest included one generated by a square-shaped feature at Site 1, and a large amorphous anomaly at Site 10. Neither are likely to be barrows. Various other minor features of possible archaeological origin were found at several of the sites. The lack of positive geophysical identification of barrows is unlikely to be due to geological conditions: either they have been totally eliminated from the landscape by cultivation or the original locational information was in error.

Report Number:
AML Reports (New Series)
Geophysical Survey Magnetometer


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