The Maison Dieu Museum, 17 Ospringe Street, Faversham, Kent: Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers, Michael Dee, Sanne Palstra, Peter Marshall

Radiocarbon wiggle-matching of timbers in the previously undated ring-width site chronology OSPASQ01 suggests they were all felled in a single felling phase in cal AD 1457–1468 (95% probability), probably in cal AD 1460–1465 (68% probability). Previous ring-width dendrochronological dating of site chronology OSPASQ02 also indicated a small group of timbers were felled in a single felling phase in AD 1458–1473 (95% probability), probably AD 1461–1468 (68% probability). The fact that all these timbers are late fifteenth-century in date is at odds with the expected sixteenth-century dating suggested on stylistic and documentary grounds.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating Standing Building Wiggle-Match


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