Church of St John the Baptist, Kirdford, West Sussex: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Nave and North Aisle Roofs and the Porch

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge

Two groups of timbers were identified from the roofs of the north aisle and nave roofs. The two site chronologies formed from these timbers failed to give acceptable consistent matches to dated reference material, and all those timbers therefore remain undated. Individual timbers from these roofs were dated, however: an ashlar piece from the north aisle roof had an outer ring dated AD 1315 and was most likely felled in the period AD 1324–56, an ex situ timber identified as a wallplate from the south-east corner of the nave had a last ring dated AD 1352, and was most likely felled in the period AD 1361–93, and a tie at the east end of the nave had a last measured ring dated AD 1360, giving a likely felling date range of AD 1369–1401. The raised arcade plate from between the two roofs had an outside ring dated AD 1500, and was most likely felled in the period AD 1509–41. A single timber from the porch, a collar purlin, had a last measured ring formed in AD 1341, with a most likely felling date range of AD 1350–82.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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