Upper Forge, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire: The Examination of Crucibles, Copper Ore and Slag
Author(s): Paul Belford, David Dungworth, Rob Ixer
Excavations on the site of one of the earliest English steel cementation furnaces yielded materials likely to have been used in the production of copper and its alloys. Historical records indicate that during the first two decades of the 18th century Abraham Darby and partners were engaged in smelting copper and the manufacture of brass 400m to the north of the excavation. The materials examined were a sample of ore, a sample of slag and fragments from two separate crucibles. The examination of the ore suggests that it derives from the Permo-Triassic sandstones of Shropshire. The slag shows some compositional similarities with the ore but contains matte inclusions which suggests that the smelting was carried out using a mixture of ores. The crucibles showed elevated concentrations of zinc which may be due to them having been used for the manufacture of brass.
- Report Number:
- 5/2010
- Series:
- Research Department Reports
- Pages:
- 17
- Keywords:
- Metal Working-non Fe Post Medieval Technology