Shaw House, Newbury, Berkshire. An Investigation of the Window Glass

Author(s): David Dungworth, Amanda Loaring

Refurbishment of Shaw House, Newbury provided the opportunity to analyse a range of window glass. Over a hundred samples of window glass were collected, including samples from a window constructed at the end of the 17th century and blocked c1728 (Room B6) as well as windows installed between c1690 and c1720. The analysed window glass includes three major glass types: high-lime low-alkali, mixed alkali and soda-lime. The in situ samples from the turn of the 18th century demonstrate that the use of high-lime lowalkali glass was superseded by mixed alkali glass c1700. This mixed alkali glass was made using seaweed ash (kelp) as a flux and enabled the production of less strongly coloured window panes. The results of the analysis of the Shaw House window glass contributes to an on-going research programme into the manufacture of window glass from c1500 to c1950.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports


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