Chatham Intra, Medway, Kent: A Desk-Based Assessment

Author(s): Peter Kendall

Chatham Intra is the name commonly given to an area of development adjoining the river Medway that links the historic settlements of Chatham and Rochester. Administratively divided between the two until the creation of Medway Borough Council in 1974, it is traversed by a continuous highway that forms part of the High Streets of the respective towns. Largely undeveloped until the early 17th century, the area was subsequently built up with a mixture of commercial, industrial and residential properties and evolved its own distinctive historic character. Much of the area now falls within the Star Hill to Sun Pier Conservation Area. In 2019 Chatham Intra was chosen to be a High Street Heritage Action Zones (HSHAZ), a Historic England programme intended to revitalize selected historic high streets in partnership with local authorities and others. This report was undertaken to support the work of the HSHAZ by providing an overview of the area’s historic development and the key elements that have contributed to its present-day character. This was done as a deskbased exercise due to COVID 19 pandemic restrictions and has been supplemented with a limited amount of archive research.

Report Number:
Research Report
Modern Post Medieval Standing Building Standing Structure Historic Area Assessment Heritage Action Zone


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