The Frith, Mortimer West End, Hampshire: Analytical Earthwork Survey

Author(s): Olaf Bayer, Mark Bowden

A Level 3 analytical earthwork survey of The Frith hillfort (also known as Pond Farm), Mortimer West End, Hampshire was undertaken by Historic England as part of the Silchester Environs Project in March and November 2015. The survey recorded the small univallate hillfort which encloses an area of 1.6ha, and has a total footprint of 2.2ha. A single entrance with a possible external outwork was recorded on the hillfort’s western side. A possible entrance exists on its eastern side. Preservation of the hillfort’s ditch and rampart is good on its northern and western sides, whilst the southern and eastern sides have been substantially levelled probably during the nineteenth century. Two woodland banks of probable post-medieval date were also recorded.

Report Number:
Research Report
Analytical Landscape Survey Hillfort


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