Verlucio and Environs Project, Bromham House Farm and Villa, Bromham, Wiltshire: Report On Geophysical Surveys, January and March 2018
Author(s): Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne
Caesium magnetometer and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were conducted over a series of cropmarks at Bromham House Farm and the presumed location of the Bromham Roman villa, Bromham, Wiltshire, as part of the Verlucio and Environs project. The vehicle-towed caesium magnetometer survey (27.7ha) covered an extensive complex of enclosure ditches, boundaries and field systems, of possible Iron Age or Roman date, together with three probable Bronze Age barrows. Additional later medieval or post medieval boundaries are also present, together with quarrying activity of unknown date. The GPR coverage (20.6ha) targeted the majority of monuments identified from the cropmark record and investigated a series of small paddocks to the south west of the survey area, possibly the site of the Bromham Roman villa first identified through excavation in the late C18th. The geophysical surveys have revealed evidence for more extensive multi-period activity across the site, although the precise location of structural remains associated with the villa remains ambiguous.
- Report Number:
- 64/2018
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 15
- Keywords:
- Caesium Vapour Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Iron Age Magnetometer Roman