100 Industrial Places: Review of the listing of Industrial buildings

Author(s): Nigel Barker Mills

This report is the principal outcome of a project commissioned by Historic England to establish as far as possible the evidence for concerns raised over a considerable time and by various bodies regarding the designation coverage for industrial heritage, in particular the listing of industrial buildings. It attempts to fulfil, in part, an historic suggestion for further designation analysis arising out of the Review of the Quality and Coverage of Lists (Cherry/Chitty 2010). The primary purpose of the project is to increase levels of knowledge about a particular type of heritage (Industrial) and the extent of designation of this asset type. This report was commissioned by Historic England from Barker Mills Conservation and all the views expressed are those of the author. The project’s key aim is to scope the problem described, determine if it has been ameliorated by National Heritage Protection Plan and reactive work in the last few years in order to assist in identification of where we could usefully prioritise further research and attention.

Report Number:


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