Dunkirt Barn, Hampshire. Report on Geophysical Survey, January and February 2005
Author(s): Neil Linford, Louise Martin, Andy Payne
A geophysical survey, using multiple techniques, was undertaken to better define a complex of archaeological features including a Roman villa and associated enclosures at Dunkirt Barn in advance of excavation by the Danebury Roman Environs Project. A clear magnetic response was recorded over the site adding considerable detail to the location and nature of the enclosure system around the villa and the Iron Age banjo enclosure to the N, enhancing the available aerial photographic record. Localised areas of magnetic disturbance suggested the position of several large buildings that, following targeted earth resistance survey, revealed a complex of Romano-British structures including detailed floor plans containing evidence for the individual room partitions. Finally, a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted over the main villa building in advance of its excavation. The GPR survey proved very effective, identifying the main corridor building as a separate phase of building from activity immediately to the S, due to its differing alignment and the greater maximum depth extent of villa walls. Comparison of the geophysical interpretation is also presented against the preliminary excavation results.
- Report Number:
- 69/2005
- Series:
- CfA Reports
- Pages:
- 28
- Keywords:
- Caesium Vapour Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Magnetometer Total Field